USJLP Conferences
Annual conferences are the heart of the US-Japan Leadership Program. It is here that young leaders from each country come together to engage in stimulating discussions on critical questions of the day, develop unique opportunities for collaboration, and form life-long friendships.
The United States-Japan Foundation typically accepts applicants on an annual basis to serve as Delegates to the next two upcoming conferences. Conferences are held for one full week each summer, alternating between Japan and the United States. During their week together Delegates participate in daily plenary discussions on a wide range of topics relevant to both countries and the world, and are also exposed to a variety of experiential learning opportunities. Delegates are expected to be fully engaged in activities from early morning to late evening. Additional details about participation in USJLP conferences are outlined in our conference guidelines for Delegates.
USJLP 2025-2026 Delegate Cohort
Please note that the 2025-2026 application cycle closed on January 6, 2025. The next cycle recruiting candidates for the 2026-2027 Delegate cohort will commence in early fall, 2025. Interested candidates are encouraged to sign up for USJLP email announcements to be among the first to be notified about the start of the 2026-2027 application cycle.
American and Japanese Delegates selected to attend the 2025 Japan Conference (scheduled to be held Sunday, July 27 - Sunday, August 3, 2025) as their first conference will be between the ages of 28 and 42 as of the first day of the conference (July 27, 2025) and have demonstrated leadership and achievement in their respective fields. In addition to striving for wide sector representation, due consideration will be given to diversity of gender, race, ethnicity, age, political, regional, social, and educational background representation in the class. These Delegates are expected to continue on and attend their second conference in 2026 at a TBA location in the U.S. in late July 2026 (planned). Delegates who must defer their second year in 2026 will be given due consideration for participation in a future (i.e. 2028 or later) U.S. conference, space permitting.
Newly selected Delegates to the 2025 Japan Conference will join second year Delegates who have successfully participated in a U.S. conference. Additional details about participation in USJLP conferences are outlined in the conference guidelines for Delegates.
Past USJLP Conferences
25th Anniversary Conference: Seattle (July 27 - August 3, 2024)
The Program's 25th Anniversary Conference took place in Seattle, WA over Saturday, July 27 - Saturday, August 3, 2024. Click through for an overview of the week.